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It was only a little thing, but it meant a lot to me. At the weekend a customer walked into a local independent bookshop and ordered one of my history books! The bookshop emailed me and I delivered it today, along with samples of my other books for them to consider.

It was great to actually be asked for a book by a bookshop rather than being the one doing the asking.

I think the customer may have been from a talk I gave recently. I give history talks from my books to local groups. I really enjoy it, and actually sell more books after a talk than all my online sales put together.

Ann Marie Thomas head shot (80x90) (300dpi) Web GravatarAnn Marie Thomas is the author of four medieval history books, a surprisingly cheerful poetry collection about her 2010 stroke, and the science fiction series Flight of the Kestrel. Book one, Intruders, and book two Alien Secrets, are out now. Follow her at