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Hello again!

In my last post I explained that I was taking part in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) so I wouldn’t be posting. Well, it’s over, so I’m back.

The challenge is to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I didn’t make it.

I’m a bit sad, mainly because the winners tee-shirt has a dragon on it, and I love dragons.

But I learned some valuable lessons, which I’ll be blogging about on my personal blog, and I have 35,000 words of a novel that I can work on in the future. More importantly, I wrote at least several hundred words every day, which is a great habit to nurture, and I intend to continue.

So, normal service will be resumed, both on my blogs and with my other writing. The main project is my book on Magna Carta, which will be out early next year in time for the 800th anniversary celebrations. I hope you’ll drop by.