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History Question


My last history blog post brought to an end my series on Building a Castle and the question is, what next? I don’t want to scrabble around each week looking for any old thing to fill the space. I’m very concerned that if I’m bored writing, you’re going to be bored reading it.
Here’s a list of what I’ve done previously, and a link to the first post of each series:

My history books are about medieval Gower and I don’t want to go outside the medieval period. It would mean researching a new period from scratch, which I don’t have time for right now.

So, over to you!

Ann Marie Thomas is the author of four medieval history books, a surprisingly cheerful poetry collection about her 2010 stroke, and the science fiction series Flight of the Kestrel. Book one, Intruders, and book two Alien Secrets, are out now. Follow her at