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News of Alien Secrets


As you will know if you follow my blog, I had a nasty dose of the flu lately. The one good thing that came out of it was that I managed to finish the latest edit of Alien Secrets, Flight of the Kestrel book 2.

Kestrel on stars upper

I finished it once and had it professionally edited. I made all the corrections, leaving the biggest problem until last: what’s known as the ‘muddy middle’. The problem in the middle was the timeline went out. I had two things going on at the same time, starting and finishing together, but one took a week and the other, two days!

It took more plot and ten thousand words to fix it, but I’m sure Alien Secrets is a much better novel for it. I have a final edit booked for April, which I hope will turn up very little to fix, and I should be launching in May or June. I’ve already started work on book 3, working title Planetfall, so it’s all happening. Watch this space.

Ann Marie Thomas head shot (80x90) (300dpi) Web GravatarAnn Marie Thomas is the author of four medieval history books, a surprisingly cheerful poetry collection about her 2010 stroke, and the science fiction series Flight of the Kestrel. Book one, Intruders, is out now. Follow her at