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The Great Online Marketing Scavenger Hunt


Firepole Marketing are running an important event. It’s a contest, but designed to make it fun to learn more about marketing, and make some good progress. Here’s what they say about it:

This will be a five week event with over 100 challenges to complete for points, skills and glory. We’ll be taking you through the paces of networking and guest posting, mastering the social web, multi-media, writing, researching and maybe even stepping away from the computer and into the real world once in a while.

If you start and stick it through, by the end of the hunt – even if you don’t win a prize – you will have expanded your reach online, made new connections, deepened existing relationships, learned new skills and generally leveled up your business.

The details are here. I’ve registered, and I’m going to have a go – what is there to lose? I’ll keep you posted on my progress – why don’t you join me? Sign up here. My player name is AnnMThomas.