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Writing Wednesday: Publishing Preparation

I am astonished to see that my last post was in June. A lot has happened since, but maybe I haven’t blogged because there was nothing conclusive. Two men from the Historical Association Swansea Branch promised support and help, but then disappeared. A publisher offered help, and then wanted to charge me £3000. And I have two artists looking at producing illustrations, but they are frustratingly slow at getting back to me.

I had no idea publishing a book would be so complicated. But I think I’m getting on top of it. The great find has been an ebook that told me all about it, and more. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is thinking publishing their own book, either in print or ebook. Smart Self-Publishing: Becoming an Indie Author by Zoe Winters is available on Kindle here. Zoe is American and talks about publishing in America, but there is very little difference.

I have now designed a cover and formatted the book ready for the printer. I have a rough quote for printing, but have to wait for the illustrations before the book is complete. Once I know the final number of pages, I can talk seriously to the printer. In the mean time, I will be posting news, the story of my attempts to turn Alina’s story into a historical novel, and more of the history that I found out during my research.