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Alien Species: Kohathi

Aliens in my science fiction series Flight of the Kestrel

Kestrel is part of the Fast-Response fleet of PACT, the Planetary Alliance for Co-operation and Trade. The Alliance is between the seven species who have warp drive (faster-than-light travel). One of the species is human. Let me introduce the Kohathi.
Planet: Kohath, higher gravity than Earth

The Kohathi look like gentle, bewhiskered old men, even when young, and they live to be over 200 Earth years. Females look the same as men, and non-Kohathi can usually only distinguish the sexes by their dress. They are stocky due to coming from a higher gravity planet, which means they are unusually fast-moving in Earth-normal gravity.

They are gentle and polite, and have high principles. In Intruders, Doctor Dathan excuses himself whenever there is any sign of conflict. He always tries to see the good in everyone.
They revere their long-lived ones and continue to consult and use them in all fields of knowledge and endeavour. They have no concept of retirement. Although they live longer than humans, they are aware there is not enough time to learn all there is to know. So they take apprentices and pass on their knowledge, for them to continue the research afterwards.
Tofi Dathan is a xenobiologist, and keen to use his time as Kohathi representative, in Intruders, to learn first hand about humans. His skills are useful when the Kestrel meets the Intruders’ ship. One of his apprentices, Sebu Nefar, joins the Kestrel as Medical Officer in Alien Secrets.

Head shot Ann Marie ThomasAnn Marie Thomas is the author of five medieval history books, a surprisingly cheerful poetry collection about her 2010 stroke, and the science fiction series Flight of the Kestrel, Intruders, Alien Secrets & Crisis of Conscience are out now Follow her at