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New History Covers and Updates

Two new covers and updated insides

If you’re on my mailing list (If not, why not? Join here) you will already know about my new covers. I have spent the lockdown period reviewing my author business and part of that was looking at my books. The covers of The Magna Carta Story and Medieval Gower Stories were done without reference to my previous covers, and although I liked them, they didn’t look like a set.

David Collins of D C Cover Creations has done a great job on the new covers. See for yourself:

The Magna Carta Story and Medieval Gower Stories

It took a few tries but I’m pleased with the final result. To see them as a set, see below:

Four history covers

Much better, don’t you think?

That’s not all that has changed. I have updated the back matter so that each book advertises all the others in the back. Obviously, when Alina was published there were no other books, and so on with each book. Now, people who enjoy any of the books will be invited to buy all the others.

There will be a grand relaunch of my books, but I have a new science fiction book almost ready to publish, so it is likely I’ll relaunch my science fiction alongside the book launch for the new one. That will give me time to finish my new history book, Swansea Miracle, so I can do the same with my history books.

Watch this space!

Head shot Ann Marie ThomasAnn Marie Thomas is the author of four medieval history books, a surprisingly cheerful poetry collection about her 2010 stroke, and the science fiction series Flight of the Kestrel. Book one, Intruders, and book two Alien Secrets, are out now. Follow her at